The Singapore Association of Plastic Surgeons (SAPS)
Country: Singapore
The Singapore Association of Plastic Surgeons (SAPS) was formed in 1976, and in 4 decades has not only grown in strength of numbers but also in local and international stature. SAPS started with four founding members: Dr Wong Kum Leng, Dr Lee Seng Teik, the late Dr R Sundarason, and Dr Chua Keng Cheok. The Singapore General Hospital was the very first hospital in Singapore with a plastic surgery unit, which in turn became the first training ground for the nation’s pool of board-qualified plastic surgeons. Today, rigorous training standards are applied throughout the several training institutes in Singapore, and close to a number of 70 qualified plastic surgeons operate in the public and private sectors, both locally as well as overseas qualified.

Cell Surgical Network
Country: United States
The affiliates of the Cell Surgical Network® (CSN) are devoted to advancing access and quality care in the area of adult stem cell regenerative medicine in order to help people suffering from a variety of inflammatory and degenerative conditions. CSN coordinate the collection of data from affiliate centers all over the world to make the Cell Surgical Network® the world’s largest regenerative medicine clinical research organization.

The Malaysian Association of Plastic, Aesthetic, and Craniomaxillofacial Surgeons (MAPACS)
Country: Malaysia
The Malaysian Association of Plastic Surgeons (MAPS) was established in 1984 by the country’s eight prominent plastic surgeons as the premier association representing Plastic Surgeons in Malaysia and officially registered in 1985. In 1999, the association underwent a name change to the Malaysian Association of Plastic, Aesthetic, and Craniomaxillofacial Surgeons (MAPACS), which was formally adopted in 2002. Since its inception in 1984, MAPACS has been actively engaging the public in matters related to plastic surgeries and as advisory body to the Ministry of Health, Malaysia. In addition to organizing Annual Scientific Congress, MAPACS had hosted 6 international meetings with various international as well as regional establishments over the years.