Getting the Best Results in Transaxillary Breast Augmentation with Anatomic Form Stable Implants
#IFAAS Faculty Dr Jae Jin Ock along with 8 breast experts from The Korean Academic Association of Breast Surgery (KAABS) planned to support some tips for using anatomic form stable implants through axillary incision. The expert group gathered and analyzed the concepts of Korean plastic surgeons who have experienced transaxillary breast augmentation with anatomic form stable implants. The KAABS requested them of their concepts of 9 basic categories: entrance dissection, pocket dissection, lubricant, inserting aids, skin protector, inserting direction, suction drainage, dressing, compression garment, and their key considerations.
Although IMF incision is known the best way for anatomic implant, most Korean doctors and patients hesitate IMF incision. Anatomic form stable implants have some benefits such as less prominent upper pole, less wrinkles and ripples, and less rupture rate than round cohesive type I implants. However more concern is necessory for placing the anatomic implants.
Below are more information combing Transaxillary Breast Augmentation with Anatomic Form Stable Implants:
The Definition of Anatomic Form Stable Implants
The use of Anatomic Form Stable implants was first introduced in Europe, 1993 and approved for use in Korea by the Korean FDA in 2012. Since then, it has won the Korean aesthetic community over with its many advantages which include the ability to fully-customise shapes and sizes, producing a less prominent upper pole, less wrinkles and ripples, as well as a lower rupture rate as compared to round cohesive Type I implants.
Transaxillary Breast Augmentation Technique
When it comes to breast augmentation, the Inframammary (IMF) incision technique is known to be one of the best way for anatomic implant. However, many Korean physicians, and patients alike, prefer the use of Transaxillary incision technique over IMF as incisions performed in Transaxillary procedures are, often than not, hidden away from view.
Combining the Two
Favoured by surgeons as well as patients seeking breast augmentation treatment in Korea, the use of anatomic form stable implants is known to be the most popular the country, and when combined with the use of transaxillary incision technique, it not only helps to produce a more natural and multi-dimensional result, but also significantly reduces visible scarring.
Delivering Best Results
For a successful breast augmentation procedure to deliver the best results, it is important that the conducting surgeon identify and consider the various basic categories of operation procedure such as; entrance dissection, pocket dissection, lubricant, inserting aids, skin protector, inserting direction, suction drainage, dressing, and compression garment.
Dr JaeJin Ock's Key Concept
"Key concept is comportability for control to implants and balanced tension for preventing from rotation. Incision length is 4 to 4.5 cm and subcutaneous pocket and opening the pectoral fascia is sufficient enough to insert implants without gel fracture. Implants pocket should be made to have a comportable space to reduce the tension and induce the tissue redrapping. Implant position without excessive tension would be maintained in spite of wound contraction, change in posture. But the change in position should be possible by hands. Always I make a dual plane pocket. I try to make a balanced tension in all directions without bias.Iinsert the implantsfrom the narrowpart depending on the shape and rotated at the same time if it needs. After meticulous hemostasis, hemovac is not needed usually. Elastic bandage is maintained for 4 to 5 days, garment is applied for 4 weeksforthe purpose of maintaining the position of implants."

Learn key concepts and considerations behind one of the world’s most renowned breast augmentation surgeons' methods and discover Dr Ock's exclusive cutting edge techniques on How to Get the Best Results in Transauxillary Breast Augmentation with Anatomic Form Stable Implants at our Korean Advanced Body Contouring Surgeries Mini-Fellowship today!
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