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Complication Management with Absorbable Thread Lifting - Part 1 Dimples Management

Thread lifting has been known as a minimally invasive procedure compared with the standard incisional surgery for facial rejuvenation. Nowadays, patients prefer simple procedures, early recovery, and immediate outcome. As a result, the interest in face lifting using a thread has drastically increased recently.

Although there have been several reports on acute or delayed complications after using nonabsorbable thread type, there have only been a few studies on such complications after using absorbable thread type.

It is essential to address what are the potential complications after thread lifting. In an recent study published on AAPS (Archives of Aesthetic Plasttic Surgery), researchers did a retrospective review of 144 cosmetic patients, who underwent absorbable barbed thread lifting using the temporal ancouring technique.

Out of the total 144 patients, sixteen (11.1%) patients developed at least 1 complication. There was no detectable inflammation or consistent skin excavation.

  • Dimples was developed in 3 cases (2.1%)

  • Thread exposure was developed in 5 cases (3.5%)

  • Alopecia was developed in 3 cases (2.1%)

  • Undercorrection was developed in 3 cases (2.1%)

  • Asymmetry was developed in 1 case (0.7%)

  • Parotid gland injury was developed in 1 case (0.7%)

Dimples Management

Dimple has developed in 3 cases (2.1%) in the above study. In a 43-year-old female patient, dimple has developed at 5 days after thread lifting, which became clear as swelling decreased. It has disappeared by lightly retouching the area from top to bottom. In another case, dimple has developed at 3 weeks after thread lifting in a 23-year-old female patient (Fig. 3) with history of zygoma reduction and liposuction on both cheeks 2 years ago. The dimple has not disappeared after manual reduction, so a cannula dissection was performed; however, it did not improve and it has barely disappeared at 3 months after lifting. It is thought that dimples have not been easily corrected due to inner scarring from the previous procedure. If the depth of the advancing thread is much more superficial or not uniform, a depression will be occurred at a portion located closely to the skin, and which can be dimple or irregular contour. Most cases of dimples were almost resolved spontaneously. But remarkable dimples were managed by manual reduction and that time, sometimes the effect of thread lift was reduced when remove dimple completely.

This week, IFAAS faculty presents the exclusive technique on how to Manage Complication with Absorbable Thread Lifting, Part 1: simple technique to resolve dimples immediately after the procedure:

Hope you have enjoyed the article & video! Stay tuned for our future posts about more techniques related to complication management post absorbable thread lifting!



Learn more about the cutting-edge techniques in Non-surgical Face Lifting and practise the techniques through experts-led hands-on training:

Dec 1-2, 2018: London, United Kingdom

Last 2 Seats

More upcoming Non-surgical Face Lifting & Rejuvenation Master Class happening globally:

Dec 1-2, 2018: London, United Kingdom Program

Dec 13-15, 2018: Seoul, South Korea Program (Last 1 Seat)

Jan 19-20, 2019: Sydney, Australia Program

Feb 3-4, 2019: Paris, France Program

Mar 2-3, 2019: Vancouver, Canada Program

Mar 28-30, 2019: Seoul, South Korea Program

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